Charter a private flight from Westhampton (FOK) to New York – Teterboro (TEB)

Flying from Westhampton, New York: Francis S. Gabreski Airport (FOK)

Flying to Teterboro: Teterboro Airport (TEB)

Average flying time:  39 minutes

People travel between the New York City and Westhampton area all the time. Because the distance between the two regions is less than 100 miles, many people choose to drive in hopes that this will be the quickest and easiest way to get to their destination. However, because New York traffic tends to be congested at all hours, it’s not uncommon for this drive to take at least two hours. On weekends, holidays, and in the summer, it can take much longer to drive to or from the Hamptons. Instead, consider the many benefits of chartering a flight from Westhampton to Teterboro.

Are you planning a trip to New York City, Teterboro, or the surrounding area, from Westhampton, New York? Contact us today to learn more about chartering a flight to Teterboro.

About Francis S. Gabreski Airport – Westhampton Beach, NY (FOK)

150 Riverhead Road
Westhampton Beach, NY 11978

If you’re flying in or out of the Hamptons, you’ll have several choices when it comes to airports. Francis S. Gabreski Airport is the airport of choice if your final destination or point of departure is Westhampton Beach.

About Teterboro Airport (TEB)

111 Industrial Ave.
Teterboro, NJ 07608

Although Teterboro Airport is technically in New Jersey, it offers quick and easy access to the heart of New York City. In fact, it is much closer to Manhattan than the city’s commercial airports and remains a top choice for those flying private and traveling to and from New York City. Teterboro Airport is limited to those flying private, so if you’re interested in flying in and out of Teterboro Airport, you’ll need to charter a private flight.

Contact Luxury Aircraft Solutions today for more information on chartering your private flight to or from the Hamptons!

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