Departing from Teterboro, New Jersey: Teterboro Airport (TEB)
Flying to Little Rock, Arkansas: Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport (LIT)
Average flying time: 2 hours, 39 minutes
If you have an upcoming trip to the Little Rock area, the entire trip from New Jersey is just under three hours. The flight itself is a short one, but those traveling commercially often have to plan for a full day of travel. When you factor in arriving at the airport, dealing with crowds and lines, and other steps along the way, an otherwise short journey can still be very time-consuming and take a lot of planning. But there is a much better way to travel: Experience the convenience, ease and luxury by chartering your private flight today!
Would you like to charter a private flight from Teterboro Airport in New Jersey to Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport? Contact Luxury Aircraft Solutions today to get started on your travel plans!
About Teterboro Airport – Teterboro, NJ (TEB)
111 Industrial Ave
Teterboro, NJ 07608
Many people flying in and out of the New York/New Jersey area have explored alternative options for airports, and many have wondered if there is an airport that’s closer to New York City. The answer is Teterboro Airport: a much smaller and convenient option, and exclusively available to those chartering private flights to and from the area.
About Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport – Little Rock, AR (LIT)
1 Airport Rd
Little Rock, AR 72202
Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport is also commonly known as Clinton National Airport, Little Rock Municipal Airport, and Adams Field. It wasn’t until 2012 that the airport was officially renamed to Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport.
Are you ready to charter your private flight from Teterboro to Little Rock in Arkansas? Contact Luxury Aircraft Solutions today to learn more about chartering your private flight from New Jersey to Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport.